January 1, 2025
Change MTU Size in Window 10

Change MTU size in Windows 10

How to change MTU size in Windows 10

I was doing some troubleshooting and wanted to change the MTU size.  Here are the easy steps I took to do it in Windows 10.

  1. Open a command prompt as administrator. (Hit Windows start button, type CMD, right click on command prompt and run as administrator)
  2. type the command : netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces
  3. This should output your interfaces and current MTU size.
  4. Remember the interface name as you will need it to change the MTU size (For my example it is Ethernet).
  5. Type the following command and Substitute Ethernet for my interface name and a new MTU size of 1518.
  6. netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface “Ethernet” mtu=1518 store=persistent
  7. Done.

This also worked for me when changing it on my Windows 7 PC.

On a side note:  If your looking to create windows 10 installation media, you can also do that from this link at Microsoft. ( I am just about to do it myself so thought I would post it.) Its always handy to have a Win 10  usb installation drive. Mine was quite old, so am going to update it with the latest version of Win 10.

Change MTU Size in Window 10

Also here is a tip if your starting to see ad’s in your windows 10 start menu and want to remove them.