January 2, 2025
Powershell Version command

How to find Powershell version

Here is how to find Powershell version on your Windows 10 PC, using the Powershell $PSVersionTable command.

Find Powershell Version

  1. Open Windows Powershell (Start Menu, then type Windows Powershell. )
  2. You can use the $PSVersionTable command to see the current version information.
  3. You can also use the $PSVersionTable.PSVersion command to see an abbreviated output

Se above picture for sample output.

If you need to find out which version of .NET framework you have installed. You can use the following Windows Powershell command.

Get-Item -Path “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\*”

Powershell NET framework

If you need to check your Windows 10 Version, see this post here Win10 Version . (Use the ver command from the command prompt)