Just wanted to share my current NVIDIA settings for CNH (CryptoNight Heavy) and what I am seeing on my EVGA NVIDIA video cards. For both stock and overclocked and with some XMR-STAK changes.
My NVIDIA mining rig currently is running a EVGA GTX 1070ti, EVGA 1070, EVGA 1060 SSC and two EVGA 750ti’s.
I was testing with XMR-STAK 2.4.2, mining Sumokoin.
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The model numbers I am testing are as follows:
- EVGA GTX 1070ti SC Gaming = 08G-P4-5671-KR (Memory Micron)
- EVGA GTX 1070 SC Gaming = 08G-P4-6173-KR (Memory Micron)
- EVGA GTX 1060 SSC = 06G-P4-6264-KB (Memory Micron)
- Gigabyte GTX 1060 AORUS = GV-N1060AORUS-6GD (Memory Micron)
- GTX 750ti’s (Both Samsung Memory)
If you just want to see my best current settings and not some of the trial settings just skip to the Summary at the end.
Of Note:
The 750ti’s crash when I try to do anything with them, so they are currently stock settings. (They probably use more power then they mine, but I had them sitting around, so plugged them in.)
NVIDA Hash rates with stock XMR-STAK settings.
Here are my readings playing around with GPU Core, Mem and Power settings but stock XMR-STAK settings. Highlighted are the ones that seemed best. (Hash rates shown are 15 minute results which can fluctuate) Also I like to run with lower power as I foot the bill, so 1070’s are currently 75% and 1060 is 55%.

NVIDA rates with some XMR-STAK Thread/Block changes
Now here are some changes I made to XMR-STAK and how it affected the rate. One thing I want to note is my 1070 seems to be doing better at CNH then my 1070ti. My 1070ti does do better mining Equihash and other algo’s then the 1070. Not sure why it isn’t doing as well with CNH yet.

I plan to do more testing and will update this as I get better Hash rates. The 1070ti would crash if I put it at 96 threads, but the 1070 would run it fine. The 1070ti would start getting errors if I got to close to +700 on the memory so I topped it out at +602. Needless to say I think I may be having some issues with it. I will play around some more and see if I can get the rates higher on it. I do expect it to get better then the 1070. If anyone has a 1080ti, I would be curious to see what you are getting.
Here are my Best settings so far (this gets updated every so often):
GTX 1070ti 640.9 H/s (Core -120, Mem +699) (XMR-STAK 88 Threads-15 Blocks)(Power 75%)
GTX 1070 716.2 H/s (Core -113, Mem +813) (XMR-STAK 96 Threads-15 Blocks)(Power 75%)
GTX 1060 EVGA SSC 506.5 H/s (Core -7, Mem +788) (XMR-STAK 32 Threads-20 Blocks)(Power 55%)
GTX 1060 Gigabyte Aorus 565.1H/s (Core +0, Mem +505) (XMR-STAK 32 Threads-20 Blocks)(Power 55%)
GTX 750ti 154.0 Stock (+50 Mem)
For how my NVIDIA cards work on other Coin algo’s you can see my post HERE for comparison.
Here is a post on building my NVIDIA rig and how I got started HERE.